+6 PERS. +FOR THE CHOUX PASTE: °125g flour °4 eggs °2 tbsp. powdered sugar °80 g salted butter, cut into small cubes °25 cl of cold water +FOR THE PASTRY CREAM: °60g cornstarch °40 cl of milk °2 eggs °50g unsalted butter °150g caster sugar °1 C. vanilla flavor coffee +FOR THE CHOCOLATE GANACHE: °50g dark baking chocolate °35 cl of liquid cream
1. Prepare the choux pastry:
2. Preheat the oven to 190°C.
3. Bring the water to a boil with the butter and sugar in a saucepan over low heat
4.As soon as it boils and off the heat, add the flour all at once then mix well with a wooden spoon until the dough forms a ball that comes off the sides.
5.Then add the eggs one by one, mixing well.
6.Pour the choux pastry into a piping bag and make the éclairs on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
Fill a piping bag
7. Bake 20 mins.
8. Prepare the pastry cream:
Custard 9. Heat the milk in a saucepan with half the sugar and the vanilla flavoring.
10. Whisk the eggs and the rest of the sugar in a bowl then add the cornflour
11. Pour the hot (but cooled) milk over the eggs. Mix and put everything back in the pan on the heat and let thicken.
12. Stir in the butter cut into small pieces and set aside.
13. Once the pastry cream is very cold, place it in a fluted pastry bag.
Fill a piping bag
Custard 14. Make small holes using a knife in each base of the éclairs. Three holes per flash.
15. Fill the puffs with pastry cream and set aside.
Custard 16. -*Prepare the ganache:
17. Bring the cream to a boil in a saucepan then remove from the heat.
18. Add the chocolate in pieces and cover for 2 minutes until the chocolate melts.
19. Mix well then dip each eclair in it and remove the excess icing with a spatula.
20. Let cool to room temperature.
21. Then reserve the eclairs in the fridge until serving.