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Cabbage roll soup

Cabbage soup has a wonderful taste in addition to its various health benefits, and it enjoys easy preparation and preparation. Cabbage soup is included in various diets and helps to lose excess weight, due to the low calories it contains .. Below we learn about the method of making cabbage soup for slimming and its benefits.

* Ingredients:
° 4 cups cabbage, sliced.

° 2 carrots, cut to rings.

° A large, chopped onion.

° 3 tsp oil.

° Half a tsp salt.

° 4 cups vegetable stock.

° Half a teaspoon turmeric.

° A 1/4 a little spoonful chili to taste.

° quarter tsp black Peper.

* How to prepare:
Stir chopped onions in oil in a pot over the fire.

Cabbage and carrots are added to the above and stirred.

Add broth, turmeric, black pepper, salt and chili to the mixture.

Leave the mixture on a medium heat until fully cooked.

You can increase the broth as desired, then remove the soup from the heat.

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