3 egg whites
400g (4 cups) whole grain cookies
100g (1 cup) coconut flakes
50g (0.5 cup) ground almonds
20 g (0.1 cup) powdered sugar
20 g (0.1 cup) pistachios
80 g (0.8 cup) milk chocolate
15 mL (1 tbsp.) vegetable oil
Crumble the cookies, add the coconut, almond powder and powdered sugar, then add the egg whites and knead together.
For a big ball you need 50 g of dough, and if you want small balls you need 20 g of dough. Shape the balls and place them in an ovenproof dish covered with baking paper. Bake at 180 degrees for 8 minutes.
Melt the chocolate and add the oil, then dip each ball in the chocolate and sprinkle with pistachios